We all have our beauty staples that we can rely on to give us a look we feel comfortable in and likewise we all have a "type" of man that we tend to feel comfortable dating for many reasons. Straying from our typical beauty staples and experimenting with seasonal beauty trends is a must-do for any trendy chick, but trying to keep an open mind and experimenting by dating outside of our "type" is extremely courageous.
For example, this spring you might want to try swapping out your regular lipstick for a bright coral shade as seen on the runways of Karen Walker and Alice Temperly. A great pick: Chanel AQUALUMIyRE Sheer Color Lipshine SPF 15 in Tangerine Dream,$28.50. Simple enough.
However, if you're in the dating scene, would you consider dating someone who's obsessed with argyle sweaters when your "type" doesn't even know what the word argyle means? In life, we're faced with many choices and yes, it's always good to broaden our horizons across all boards, but how far are you willing to go?
Conclusion: Guys are like beauty products, you can try on lots of different types. If the look fits, wear it until it goes out of season or it becomes a staple. If that new shade of lipstick isn't complimenting your pout, chuck it. For me, I always seem to return to my staples, in beauty, in men and in life.
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